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Collective Ride x Crusher Training Series

When: Saturday June 8th

Where: Full Cycle Boulder

When: 8:00am

What: This four-part series is designed to prepare you for the Tushar Mountains and a hard day in the saddle. RDC will be offering nutrition tips, pacing strategies, bike skills, and more to ensure you are set to tackle Lifetimes Crusher in Tushar. If you’re looking to enhance your skills but don’t have an interest in racing, this series offers value to all.

This month our Crusher Training Ride is in partnership with our Gravel Extravaganza Collective Ride on June 8th. This ride will feature gravel route options only and have the opportunity for riders to test their limits while easily wrapping up by heading down the canyon when it makes sense for them

Route: Gold Hill 3 Ways, Gold Hill 2 Ways, Gold Hill 1 Way

Ride Three: Gold Hill Three Ways

Get ready for a big day in the saddle!

Gold Hill Three Ways is all about pacing and mental toughness. There will be moments of “I feel great” and moments of, “I want to throw my bike in the trash” but we will do it together. The beauty about this ride is that you have multiple options pending where your fitness is and/or what your goals are. The premier route is Gold Hill via Gold Run, Rowena/Sunshine and Switzerland Trail. You can choose to do them all or you can do Gold Hill Once or Gold Hill Twice. Every route allows you to easily ride back to the shop via the canyon.

Part of the unique nature of The Crusher is that your climbing is condensed into two major climbs compared to many gravel races that are filled with rollers to total the same elevation. We are going to sugarcoat it…that’s hard mentally to do. One of the things we will focus on throughout this ride is self-mantras and proper fueling. We can’t stress enough how proper fueling can change your perceptions of feasibility.

This ride will tackle 75% of the Crusher in Tushar elevation and is the perfect preparation for our last ride of the series.

There are multiple water stops along the route and refueling is available every 90-120 mins pending pace at the Gold Hill Store.

Please ensure you have (2) bottles and extra food to ensure you are safe on this ride.

See you soon!


June 5


June 12